De afgelopen jaren hebben steeds meer grote zonne-energiebedrijven gevraagd om speciale en op maat gemaakte oplossingen. Pro Services voegt tegen betaling nieuwe bedrijfsdiensten toe om te voldoen aan de behoeften van grote zonne-energiebedrijven.

An experienced Account Manager will be your primary contact, offering support, custom training, and account provisioning during business hours. They will escalate urgent issues to OpenSolar’s top management to ensure timely resolution and follow-up.

We offer CRM integration support, providing technical configuration and guidance from OpenSolar engineers to ensure seamless, reliable API implementation with your lead management system.

We create fully customized proposals tailored to your brand, including unique designs, colors, fonts, and assets. Backed by accurate solar design and savings calculations, work with our designers to craft standout content that reflects your identity and sets you apart.

We embed your custom sales content into all customer proposals, showcasing your unique products and services prominently to enhance your brand visibility and impact. Ideal for enterprise-level solar companies.

For high-volume operators creating thousands of designs monthly, we offer cost-effective, reliable solutions to ensure seamless and uninterrupted operations.

With multiple Pro Services, enjoy Custom Infrastructure: faster webhooks, higher throttling quotas, SMS MFA, and potential SSO integration. These ensure efficient data transfer, handle heavy workloads, and enhance security, eliminating the need to optimize your systems.

We build custom forms tailored to your workflow. Capture and access data specific to your operations, including customer details, project management, electricity usage, policy documents, and contracts. Simplify data collection and generation across multiple workflow stages.

Access our global solar network to connect with EPCs or specialist sales companies. Optimize resources, stay flexible, and operate in the capacity and location that best suits your business needs.

Combine services or request bespoke solutions tailored to your business. Connect with our product team to discuss your unique needs and boost your operations effectively.
Get in touch
Vul het onderstaande formulier in en een lid van ons team zal contact met u opnemen om gepaste oplossingen voor uw bedrijf te bespreken.