December Release 2021

December 20, 2021

The last quarter of 2021 has been a busy time at OpenSolar. In early November, we launched the all-new OpenSolar 2.0, and since then we’ve been working on even more enhancements that are designed to help you, the solar professionals around the world who run your businesses on our platform.

Here’s a quick overview of our latest release which brings powerful new functionality based on your valuable feedback.

Custom Fields

You can now customize the data you collect and show in your Projects, Contacts and COGS Buildup. You can create “text”, “dropdown” or “date/time” field types for Projects and Contacts fields. You can also create new fields for COGS Build Up that enables you to capture and reflect costs for your business.

Please check our help center for a tour of the new features.

Stringing Information

For string inverters, OpenSolar now provides string voltage information and warnings to ensure that you are alerted when a system design specifies voltage levels that are outside of what the inverter can handle.

For micro-inverters, our software will now help you ensure that the selected micro-inverter is compatible with the PV panels based on voltage specifications, and provide warnings where it is not.

In addition, you now get maximum and minimum temperatures at the system location, using new TMY weather files, which you can override if you wish.

We have also added other various warning messages which pertain to the DC/AC ratio (these are available for all inverters, including DC-optimised systems).

Please check our help center for a tour of the new features.

Automated Bill of Materials (BOM)

You may have seen that we are starting to automate the creation of your BOMs, starting with Ironridge in the US. Now, we’ve expanded on the list of equipment that this functionality supports. This update includes Sunpower AC panels with inbuilt IQ7A Enphase inverter (SPR-MAX5-415-E3-AC,SPR-MAX5-410-E3-AC, SPR-MAX5-400-E3-AC, SPR-P3-370-BLK-E3-AC, SPR-P3-375-BLK-E3-AC, SPR-P3-380-BLK-E3-AC, SPR-P3-385-BLK-E3-AC). We’ve added warning messages when it looks like your design might require specific Enphase equipment, allowing you to select from a recommended list, and automatically generate a BOM.

We will continue to support more and more product types, in order to streamline your workflows, reduce multiple data entry, and ensure the most efficient equipment ordering possible.

DocuSign Enhancements

We’ve now added the ability to preview a project’s docusign contract via the Info and Manage pages, and also added the ability to reset a Docusign contract from the Info and Manage page so that you can allow the customer to re-sign a Docusign contract if the project changes after the first contract is signed.

There are other enhancements and bug fixes to make sure that your contract signing is easier and faster.

Contract Improvements

Our ProX team is always here to help, and now we have added new tools for both yourself and the ProX team to help you set up a more customized contract experience for your customers. The ProX team can now set up for you:

  • Multiple new contract placeholders
    • Loan provider, interest, term,
    • 2nd & 3rd customer contact information (i.e. Full Name, Email, Phone, …),
    • System AC Capacity,
    • Price Per Watt (Total Price),
    • Price Per Watt (Purchase Price),
    • System Grid-Independence Percentage (%)
    • System Self-Consumption Percentage (%)
  • “N” number of days before or after the contract/installation date
  • New checkboxes (both required and optional) and free text fields (both required and optional) as Docusign tags

Other Enhancements

There are a wide range of other improvements for your use, including more guidance on optimal SolarEdge designs, the ability to set the costing for steep racks, Dutch and Portuguese proposal template language support, and the ability to capture passport number and licence number in your contacts. Finally, there are a wide range of smaller but no less important updates and fixes.

Here’s a detailed list of all the enhancements in this release.

As always, our focus is on your success. We’re very grateful for the feedback you provide, and I hope that you can see how much we listen to your needs, and constantly evolve our software to meet them. All of the functionality I have described here is up and running, and ready for you to take advantage of. If you ever have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Product Manager, OpenSolar

Happy Holidays from the OpenSolar Crew