Serving up success with larger solar installers

July 14, 2022

It’s mid-July and that means you’re making calls, knocking on doors, filling your calendar, and trying to get as much solar sold and installed by the end of the year as possible. With this rush, you need to cut costs and save time on the backend so you can prioritize sales.

I’ve been in the industry for 12 years myself, so I get it. You don’t have any time to waste, so let’s move towards a more streamlined process together.

How we can help

The industry’s larger pros are starting to move to OpenSolar because of our free model and our leading accuracy and support. Trying to migrate your workflows and tech stacks can be daunting, especially in the busy season, but my team and I are here to help. With decades of experience, we understand your day-to-day and what it takes to succeed in this industry.

Since its inception in the “golden era” of solar 10+ years ago, remote solar design and virtual selling have been part of our leadership’s foundational DNA. With OpenSolar’s Open API, we can support you in integrating your existing tech stack with OpenSolar’s end-to-end software to eliminate redundancy and gain efficiency.

Solar contractors are the heartbeat of the solar industry. Whether you have an offshore design team or sales ninjas that design live on the phone with the homeowner, OpenSolar can provision your account to meet your custom needs.

Our finance company API integrations–featuring the largest number of integrated finance partners–provide a seamless and fast application and approval process. In fact, OpenSolar Pros and their customers are averaging just under 7 minutes to receive credit approval all from within the online proposal.

Getting started on OpenSolar

To get your team onboarded, we start with a preliminary scoping session to better understand your business, plus a demo of OpenSolar. During this call, I begin to customize your integration to fit your company’s workflow from lead all the way through PTO, all while eliminating redundancies and overhead.

The OpenSolar mission

As we gain more and more market share and our dynamic business model continues to prove itself month over month and quarter after quarter, we are committed to enhancing the platform to suit the needs of ALL types of solar companies: EPC’s, solar orgs, vertically-integrated, whatever model you are, we got you.

We are here to revolutionize and democratize how solar design and selling is done. Let us open the door for your company to provide more accurate designs, experience drastic efficiency gains, and ultimately, achieve higher profit margins.