Gen Z and the Solar Movement: How young activists are shaping a brighter future

I have been lucky enough to have been an intern at OpenSolar for the first half of this year, and as a member of Gen Z myself I am really excited to write this post on how my generation will harness the power of the sun and carry forward the progress OpenSolar has already made into the future.
Gen Z represents those who were born between the mid 1990s to the mid 2010s and on the whole are a generation that place great importance on doing the right thing for the climate, as we will be the ones who will largely have to deal with the consequences of a broken planet. Because of this, members of Gen Z are not afraid to speak up and follow planet saving initiatives rather than waiting for someone else to take action – we want to make our voices heard on topics that truly matter!
Although I may be biased, I believe that Gen Z is a hugely intelligent generation. We don’t fall for or accept empty promises made by politicians or governments – Greta Thunberg puts it perfectly “without pressure from the people, our leaders can get away without doing anything”, and Gen Z offers that pressure to encourage those in power to actually do something to help. We are also a tech savvy generation (this goes further than helping our grandparents to use their phones!), which is another reason why I think solar is so well received by us. Social media is also a big part of my generation, and is a huge facilitator in allowing our voices to be heard and our messages to travel as part of our activism.
Climate anxiety is a problem many people in Gen Z face, due to the impending doom many feel in relation to our climate. The ‘heightened emotional, mental or somatic distress in response to dangerous changes in the climate system’ is something that Force of Nature found that 70% of young people struggle with, as well as feeling hopeless in the face of the climate crisis. However, I believe that solar is one of the answers to helping those who are climate anxious. The perfect antidote to anxiety is action and Gen Z have shown that we are willing to lead protests, as well as choosing low cost electric mobility to get around, with electric cars, bikes and trains powering our movement, all of which are fueled by zero carbon solar energy. The implementation of renewable energy is something that is simple to do, yet completely effective and will actually make a difference. Ultimately, the solar movement can offer a solution to climate change issues while also working to create a future that does not involve the same climate anxiety that this generation currently faces.
As OpenSolar data is showing, solar will grow to supply over half of all energy globally in just over 10 years. And as the entirety of Gen Z enters the workforce over the next ten years, a new opportunity arises for us to be involved with the solar movement!
If current progress continues, the solar electrification industry (including all the solar, battery, heat pump and EV charger installs) will grow 10x from ten million jobs today to over one hundred million jobs by 2035 – and naturally these will be mostly delivered by smart Gen Z talent. These jobs will range from roles in marketing, sales, construction, finance, installation and logistics which will ultimately help power a billion homes and businesses around the world, making solar the career of the future!
Many of us will even start one of the million new businesses that will sell these solar solutions – a Gen Z entrepreneurial revolution to deliver the panels, batteries, EV chargers and heat pumps that ultimately decarbonise our economy. This will be aided by the team at OpenSolar, who have created a completely free software tool for anyone to set up a solar electrification business, all in their own brand with design tools, customer management, hardware and finance supply… all the pieces you need to get started, and for free! Because Gen Z members already look for companies to purchase from and work for that have a high societal purpose, with a survey conducted by Deloitte finding that 77% of Gen Z place importance on finding jobs that align with their personal beliefs; many will want to be a part of the movement. Solar and Gen Z really are a match made in heaven!
Ultimately, solar is the beacon of hope amongst current climate change issues. Gen Z are encouraging the movement that will help us meet our energy needs while reducing carbon emissions and combat climate change (as well as saving us money!). Our passion and determination to make a difference and alleviate climate anxieties for future generations turns existing challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth. It has been an incredibly rewarding internship learning all about this booming market and as OpenSolar drives the transition towards a more sustainable and equitable energy system, it is clear that the influence of Gen Z will only continue to grow, paving the way for a greener world.